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                          5.5.1 Pointlist

         A pointlist is similar to a normal nodelist, with the
         exception that all entries are considered point systems.
         FrontDoor, by default, uses the file FDPOINT.PVT to store its
         pointlist. It is possible to add points of other systems to
         your pointlist. This will allow you to enter messages to
         other systems' points just like you would to any other

         Here is a sample FDPOINT.PVT:


         As you can see, a point list looks very much like a raw
         nodelist. The last field contains nodelist flags (HST, MO,
         CM, etc.) and if more than one flag is present, they are
         separated by commas.

         Points can also be added to systems in the master nodelist by
         using the POINT keyword:


         Assuming this was listed under the Net-270 host in zone two,
         we have created 2:270/7, 2:270/7.1, 2:270/17, and 2:270/17.1.

         The second example works well if your nodelist is not updated
         frequently (weekly, daily, etc.). But if you have to add the
         "Point,#" every time you get a new nodelist, this task
         becomes rather tedious.

         FrontDoor therefore supports an additional pointlist format:


         This does away with the need to constantly update the BOSS
         system's data in the raw nodelist and allows you to put your
         pointlist in a separate file. FDNC will then take the BOSS
         system's data from the master nodelist.

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